Homeless laptop, lap desk and cooling pad — ruining perfectly cute photos since 2007.
Every few months I get an urge to clear everything out of our place. Toys, out! Knickknacks, out! Laptops and other random electronics, out! I kid about the electronics, even though they are the No. 1 bane of my existence. Randomness does tends to accumulate, especially with a toddler who leaves a hurricane in her wake.
When H exclaimed tonight that he was tired of it not feeling tidy in our living room no matter how many times we clean up after Alexa, I took it as a sign that it’s again time to clear out everything. Toys, out! Laptops, out! (Still kidding about the laptops, sorta.)
I recently read an article about tidiness, and how it seems that some people just achieve it effortlessly. The two things that struck me were (a) tidy people have LESS (and I mean a lot, lot less) and (b) they have a place for everything they do have. You know how you have a space for forks in your drawers? Well, they have fork space for every little thing. It occurred to me that (b) is our main problem.
We have cubbies for Alexa’s toys, and we can tidy those up in a jiffy. But how should I stow away my laptop, its cooling pad and the wooden lap desk*? This is the storage question that utterly vexes me.
Simply placing the entire setup atop a table or desk bothers me aesthetically. I want them out of sight.
A quick Google search reveals that either most people do not store their laptops at all (ha, same here) or they store them inside a desk with a door. Harumph! My desk has no drawers, so that’s out.
This nifty (but too expensive) contraption is the only thing I’ve found that might come close to doing what I’d like. A more affordable solution, perhaps would be to utilize a dish rack, though that seems tricky and maybe a little tacky. Then there’s this charging station, but this plan would leave my cooling pad and desk homeless.
Where do you store your laptop, if at all?
* If you place your laptop directly onto your lap, could you enlighten me as to how you do so without burning your legs? My laptop heats up to the temperature of liquid hot magma in no time.