3 In Lifestyle

Gif Me a Break

Don’t you love it when you find the perfect gif to sum up a situation?

Quick aside: Speaking of gifs, which pronunciation do you prefer (soft g or hard g)? Apparently the correct way is the soft g and I confess, I’m not used to it yet.

Anyway …

When I wake up full of energy and with minimal shadows under my eyes, I’m like:

When I realize there is an unpleasant diaper that awaits me, I’m like:

When I’m in a hurry to get to the office (one of the top floors), it’s like:

When I get unfavorable feedback on my work, I’m like:

When I’m the only one who wants to eat ice cream, I’m like:

When I stop by Target for “one, maybe two things” I’m like:

When my keys get stuck in the deadbolt in the dark, I’m like:

When H talks about his new paleo-esque diet void of carbs and dairy, I’m like:

Haha, just joking. But seriously, H, you’re doing a great job. I did not do so well without bread.

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