I had heard good things about The Broken Stars, a story that some described as “like Titanic, but in space.” Hmmm. I like Leo DiCaprio, I like space (just kidding). I’m easily amused, at any rate, so I decided to read it.
I didn’t get very far because the author couldn’t stop droning on and on about people “gazing.” He “gazed” at her, she “gazed” at him, they held each other’s “gaze,” she broke their “gaze.” Repetitive much?
A thesaurus would be a great help in this situation. Still, I think I uncovered something a little deeper: a dislike of the word “gaze.”
I feel similarly about the word “relationship,” no doubt stemming from the time I binge-watched Melrose Place and the entire cast spouted on and on about their “relationships” relentlessly. To this day I can’t stand the word.
And that brings me to “panties,” a word I have all but eliminated in my vocabulary in favor of “underpants.” I’m also phasing out “purse” in favor of “handbag.” I’d rather say “privates” than “vagina.” This paragraph is exposing my inner 95-year-old.
These are the irritating words that get under my skin. These irritating words are my kryptonite.
Just to be clear, it’s not that I dislike the idea of the word “relationship,” just the way it sounds (especially when Jane says it).
To me, “relationship” is the opposite of “cellar door,” which is cited as being one of the most phonetically beautiful phrases in the English language.*

*Or so Drew says in Donnie Darko
An overwhelming number of my friends have mentioned hating the word “moist.” In fact, that’s one that comes up a lot. I’ve seen it in discussions online, too, but it doesn’t bother me. “Damp,” however, does. I have the shivers just thinking about it.
Are there any irritating words that make you cringe? What is it about them that is so bothersome to you?