My friend Andi introduced me to Puppy Chow (aka Muddy Buddies aka White Trash) when we used to live a block from each other in Wichita.
I have fond memories of standing in her kitchen at Christmastime during a bakefest and feasting on these little morsels, which feature my fave combo: chocolate + peanut butter.
You can Google the recipe in a heartbeat, but I will walk you through my version of the process, breaking it down detail by messy detail.

Puppy Chow Recipe
• 1 box Chex cereal (any kind you like)
• 2 or 3 heaping spoonfuls of peanut butter (creamy not crunchy)
• 1.5 bags of semi-sweet chocolate chips
• A dab of butter
• A lot of powdered sugar, most of which will end up all over the kitchen
• 2 large paper bags (one for mixing, one for the inevitable panic attack)
1. Get humongous pot, add chocolate chips, butter and peanut butter on medium heat. Stir constantly until melted. Taste test. Add more chocolate or peanut butter as desired.
2. Slowly stir in cereal until well-coated. You can make most of the box with this recipe.
3. Systematically transfer coated cereal into paper bag filled with powdered sugar. Shake it, yeah, shake it, yeah, shake it like a Polaroid picture. Dump sugar-coated cereal onto wax paper. Repeat until finished.
4. Enjoy your huge mound of Tony Montana-style Puppy Chow and resist the urge to snort leftover powdered sugar for a “Scarface” photo opportunity because accidentally inhaling it might lead to burning nostrils. Not that I would know anything about that.
There you have it. Wrap in a colorful cello bag for a great stocking stuffer. Or just take the majority of it to the office on Monday and let your colleagues get their feast on, which is what I intend to do.