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I want to talk a little today about Katharine Hepburn and her bad-ass style. No, not Audrey Hepburn. KATHARINE.
In a chat with a friend recently, we came to the conclusion that every teenage girl has a crush on Audrey Hepburn. Of course they do. She’s cute as a button, she’s charming, her impossibly slim figure is impeccably dressed in a way that other, more well-endowed women can never ever pull off. She is the teenager’s version of Dream Barbie. She says things like, “Be a darling and look under the bed for a pair of alligator shoes.”
I once picked up an autobiography at the library. I thought it was Audrey Hepburn’s for some inexplicable reason, even though the minimal book cover clearly stated Me / Stories of My Life / Katharine Hepburn. Teenage girls, we only see what we want to see sometimes. Once I realized my mistake, it was too late. I was hooked on this eccentric Katharine Hepburn person, even though I had never seen a single one of her movies. I quickly rectified that by renting some videos, and obviously I became a fan.
Whereas Audrey is for teens, Katharine is for adults. Whereas Audrey deals in daydreams, Katharine deals in (her own, very eccentric) reality.
She says things like, “Life is hard. After all, it kills you.” And: “If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.”

On top of her general awesomeness, Katharine was one of the first female style icons to wear pants, during a time when it was not socially acceptable. Like I said, a total bad-ass. Her style was effortless, sleek, tailored and, even at its most masculine, still feminine. To this day, she inspires women who are looking for a smart style icon.

Recommended viewing:
- The Philadelphia Story
- Bringing Up Baby
- The African Queen
- Adam’s Rib
- Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
- For a personality study, check out Cate Blanchett’s portrayal of her in The Aviator

Finally, how to dress like Katharine. It’s so easy. Wide-leg trousers, tailored button-down shirts, stripes, polka dots, masculine loafers/oxfords, non-fussy fabrics. I rounded up a few items I thought Katharine herself would enjoy.
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