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Are you always surprised when you look back and can’t remember what books you’ve read, the progress you’ve made on your goals, your passwords? Me, too. This minimal planner inserts list is for you — keep reading for more info and for 10 trackers you’ll want to add to your organizer today.

So, there I was again, typing in password after password to one of our family accounts until I got locked out. Maybe you’ve been there.
In a fit of annoyance, I designed a minimalist password tracker, printed it out and added it to our fridge so we can fill in important passwords for shared family things like Netflix, Hulu, etc.
It worked so well, I created similar planner/trackers for various parts of my life.
Some of them I print out and use with pens and pencils. Some I add to my 3-ring binder for posterity. Some I airdrop over to my iPad so I can fill them out digitally.
That’s when I decided to launch a new Etsy shop — Leila Jewel Studio — with these fillable PDFs.
If you’re a fan of minimalist, non-flowery design and want a no-nonsense way to keep track of your important info, goals and accomplishments, keep scrolling!
10 Minimal Planner Inserts to Track Your Goals
1) Password Tracker

The idea that started it all!
In our house, we’re keeping our shared family accounts hanging on the fridge. But I also have a running list of my own passwords that I’m keeping in an “important info” binder that I’m slowly building.
You can also fill this out on your computer using Adobe Reader or Acrobat. Available in U.S. Letter, Half Letter, A4 and A5 sizes.
2) Habit Tracker

They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit, but this little guy will help you keep track of yours each month to make sure you don’t end up dropping it.
Habit ideas: drinking 8 cups of water, 30 minutes of yoga, working on your novel each day, etc.
You can track up to 20 habits a month on one piece of paper.
You can also fill this out on your computer using Adobe Reader or Acrobat. Available in U.S. Letter, Half Letter, A4 and A5 sizes.
3) Goal Getter

The idea isn’t to fill up every single day — it’s to see the tangible progress you’re making, even if it’s just a few times a week.
There’s room to write down some pep talks, too. Because we all need motivation to kick us into high gear sometimes.
Print out and pencil in the days as you go along. Available in U.S. Letter, Half Letter, A4 and A5 sizes.
4) Routine Checklist

This tracker will help you with the things you’re trying to be consistent about in your life.
Whether it’s something as simple as making your bed every morning, or something more complex like starting a Sunday food prep routine, you can add it to your list and check it off. Minimal design allows up to 15 daily tasks and 12 once-a-week chores.
Available in U.S. Letter, Half Letter, A4 and A5 sizes.
5) Mood Tracker

The idea is to color-coordinate your moods and fill in each day with the color you’re experiencing. Over time, you’ll start to see patterns and understand yourself better.
I have a feeling mine is going to have a lot of red for “stressed” until the COVID-19 era is over!
6) Sleep Tracker

How much (or how little) are you resting at night?
Keep track of your sleeping hours every morning to find out. Curiously, I have been getting more consistent rest since I started tracking my sleep. Slowly but surely I’ve been cutting out those up-till-3 nights.
Additionally, there’s a space to jot down your dreams — see if you find any patterns in the time you sleep vs. the quality of your sleep/dreams.
7) Reading Challenge List

Do you commit to a yearly reading challenge on Goodreads or in your book club? This tracker will remind you of your progress for the year.
Includes PDFs for 10-, 20-, 30-, 40-, 50-, 60-, 80- and 100-book challenges.
This year I’m going to get in gear to read 50 books. I’ve only read two so far so I have a lot of catching up to do.
8) Movie Tracker

A few years back I took on a challenge to watch 100 Movies, based on a list of 100 of the greatest movies of all time. It was a fun experience, and I created this tracker so I could translate it into easy bites so I could remember my favorites … and not-so-favorites.
You don’t have to have a special challenge to use this tracker, though!
Just jot down the new movies you watch, and enjoy looking back at your reviews from time to time. Easily size up your favorites with a star rating and 2-3 word reviews.
9) TV Tracker

Just like the movie tracker, only specifically for your Netflix binges!
You have space to write down the season number, so you can review each season as you finish it. Which should be just about 48 hours after you start, haha.
On a side note, have you seen the new Unsolved Mysteries? Obsessed!
10) Book Reviews

I love reading the book reviews I wrote on Goodreads, but sometimes I just want to see all the books I’ve been reading in one quick and easy view.
All of these minimal planner inserts for entertainment (film, tv, books) are going in a personal favorites binder I’m creating for myself.
You can easily print a size that will fit in your planner, too — I have U.S. Letter, Half Letter, A4 and A5 sizes in the download.
Bookmark for Later
That’s it! I hope you found a minimal planner insert that will help you track/organize your life better. You can save the graphics below in case you need to reference this post in the future. Pin, save & share with your friends.
There are more minimal planner inserts where these came from! Browse the rest of Leila Jewel Studio and favorite the shop so you can see future updates.