A decade or so ago, if I invited you to my Halloween bash, we’d probably eat some pumpkin seeds and bob for apples. If I were really on top of it, I’d feed you some candy corn. But now, thanks to the Internet, my culinary skills are top-notch. Or at least I can pretend they are.
Wanna come to my virtual party? Come on in, don’t be shy.
I’d greet you at the door with a lame joke (“Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers? No, they eat the fingers separately!”) and a charming cocktail like this one:
Then I’d lead you to my entrees, sure to delight. Or fright.
And what would a party be if you didn’t indulge your sweet tooth?
Apples not sweet enough for you? How about some of these scary sweets?

Nutter Butter Ghosts via Marta Writes
And, of course, no party is complete without a cupcake.
I do hope you enjoyed yourself at my Halloween bash. Don’t let the ghouls get you on the way out. Bwahahahahaha!