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100 Movies: 78, 79

And the countdown continues in my quest to watch and find something inspiring in every single one of Yahoo’s 100 Movies to See Before You Die.

100 Movies to See Before You Die: 78-79 • Little Gold Pixel

I’m probably going to get blasted for saying this, but the only Star Wars movie I truly enjoyed was Episode III. Perhaps I just like watching people turn to the dark side. Episode IV is OK. I’m sure it was ah-ma-zing when my dad saw it 5,000 times in 1977. But it suffers from the same affliction as the rest of the original trilogy: whiny Mark Hamill. Luckily Harrison Ford is there to cheer me up. Did you realize that Harrison Ford is famous because he built cabinets for George Lucas in the early 1970s? That’s right. He was a bit actor in the 1960s. He got frustrated and turned to carpentry instead. He didn’t become a bonafide star until he was in his 30s. Now that’s inspiring. It’s never too late for a second (or third) career.

100 Movies to See Before You Die: 78-79 • Little Gold Pixel

I watched this movie. Truly, I did. But I can’t tell you what it’s about. There’s a lot of farce, a lot of craziness when women realize their man is cheating on them. A crazy cab driver who has an arsenal of supplies for sale in the back seat (like tissues). A young Antonio Banderas. And loads of gorgeous wacky visuals like the one pictured above. Pattern mixing and midcentury modern aesthetics. I was tempted to stop the movie, take a picture and keep them all in my inspiration folder, that’s how colorful and unusual this film is. You can choose to read the subtitles or watch the pretty scenery. I did the latter.

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