9 In Lifestyle

19. Treat myself to a day of pampering without baby.

Crossing another item off my list

Last Wednesday I decided to do the impossible: enjoy alone time. *Happy dance, happy dance*

Opportunities like this are rare. It just so happened that I had the day off work as part of the holiday weekend. It just so happened we had already paid up for the week’s worth of childcare. It was as if the stars aligned and the clouds parted and a flying unicorn emerged from the sky, saying, “This is your day. Take it!”

And I did.

First things first, I bought my single(!) ticket to see the 9:15 a.m. (that’s not a typo) showing of “Breaking Dawn.” This was my first time at the theater alone, unless you count the time I saw “Hot Shots Part Deux” alone while my dad and brother saw “Cliffhanger” in an adjacent theater.

Afterward, I did a little Christmas shopping. Shhhh, don’t tell anyone what I got.

I then made my way over to a nail spa for a mani/pedi. It wasn’t the best I’ve ever had — maybe sparkly gold isn’t the route to go for longevity — but I gotta tell ya, it was nice to sit in a massage chair for a few minutes.

Next stop: frozen yogurt. I sat outside and eavesdropped on the high school kids who were gossiping and, well, being kids. Kids! If my 16-year-old self could see my 32-year-old self eating chocolate hazelnut yogurt alone, she would’ve been thinking, “Why is this old woman laughing at us?” Because I used to think adults in their 30s were beyond old. Like decrepit, one-foot-in-the-grave old. Remember that?

And, just to revel in my old woman status, I went to the market and did my Thanksgiving shopping alone. Really, you ask, you spent your “me” time going grocery shopping and picking out turkey breasts? Yes, yes I did. And it was glorious. No screaming infant, no indecisiveness with H. Just me!

I need to do this more than once a year.

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