Kansas City has myriad charms. When I was a kid, I thought Kansas City was a playground of amusement parks and sporting arenas.
When I was a young adult, it was the mecca of barbecue, shopping, Boulevard beer and jazz history. It has some pretty sweet nightlife (speakeasies and piano bars) It’s a city that transforms to your life stage, really.
Every time we return for a visit we discover new and exciting things (mostly thanks to my brother and sister-in-law, who call the city their home).
When we were there in October, we noticed three things that had previously escaped our attention.
Older, wiser, limited with small child … and all that jazz.
3 Great Things About Kansas City
1. Gorgeous eclectic architecture.
Kansas City is a mix of the old and new. Pristine new buildings and jazz-era remnants. Suburban sprawl and urban crawl.
Fountains, Union Station, old buildings downtown that house delicious restaurants and hip bars.

2. Brick.
Maybe this is a subcategory of No. 1, but it deserves its own category. Honestly, all the brick homes and buildings are just so cool.
I’m desperate to buy a white brick home. (We drove past one with a For Sale sign out front, and fantasized about living there.)

3. Coffee.
Do not go to Starbucks, not when there are so many great local shops like The Roasterie, Latteland and One More Cup.