14 In Lifestyle

33 Projects: Animals in a Jar

DIY: Golden Animal Menagerie

Today’s project is brought to you by a moment of genius I had when I decided to mix this dinosaur terranium with this mounted menagerie with these glittered animal canvases. Following me so far?

Basically, I wanted to trap some golden animals inside some jars of some kind.

Cue the supplies:

DIY: Golden Animal Menagerie

Found exactly two aisles apart from each other at Target in the same time frame it took for shopping-cart-ridden Alexa to ask “Get down?” about 1.55 million times.

The first step is to free all the animals and look at them.

DIY: Golden Animal Menagerie
DIY: Golden Animal Menagerie

Next, line them up in a row. Let the toddler play with them. She likes the big cats. “Rawr,” she growls in her cute little growl voice. Set those aside for her amusement and turn to Instagram to choose four lucky animals that will become … GOLDEN.

And the consensus is:

DIY: Golden Animal Menagerie

Here’s where you can go one of two ways: the easy way (bust out some paint if you have an actual craft supply) or the hard way (the $3.99 nail polish). I chose the hard way.

But I also have cute golden toenails now, so there’s a plus side to everything.

Just be aware that painting these creatures with a tiny brush could take close to forever (or an hour). Also, you should crack your windows unless you want to get high from the fumes.

DIY: Golden Animal Menagerie
DIY: Golden Animal Menagerie

*Nail polish high is not so pleasant. There is no laughter, just confusion and lightheadedness. Not unlike regular life, only with a distinctly chemical odor.

At some point you should procure the rest of the supplies. Maybe go to Ikea this time.

DIY: Golden Animal Menagerie

The spice jars are in the kitchen section and the rocks are close to the cacti. Not sure where these sections are located in your Ikea? It’s OK, just wander aimlessly like you always do, anyway. You’ll find them eventually (just like the exit).

Why teal rocks instead of moss and twigs and other terrarium paraphernalia? Because I thought this would look cool, and it totally matches my decor. Oh, and it’s easier than dealing with alive/rotting outdoorsy things.

Plus I like how it looks like the animals are trapped in an alien landscape, which is perfect because they ended up guarding a shelf in my bathroom. They will bear witness to anyone who refuses to change the empty toilet paper roll. So BEWARE, guests (and H).

One last thing: Refrain from using the giraffe if at all possible unless you want it to suffer a few amputations to fit inside the jar.

DIY: Golden Animal Menagerie
DIY: Golden Animal Menagerie
DIY: Golden Animal Menagerie

Six projects down, 27 to go.

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