1. Easter Cupcakes, 2. March 31, 2010 (90/365), 3. Easter Bunny Cake Pops, 4. Easy Bunny Cake Recipe
I’m trying to stay away from the Easter candy this year. It’s my favorite time of the year for chocolate, though, and in particular my overwhelming urge to eat Cadbury creme eggs, so it’s taking some major restraint. How better to suppress my desires than by diving into an Internet full of delicious creations. I know, I’m a masochist. But luckily for my waistline I’m also a little lazy about actually baking beautiful things. So I’ll just stare and try not to salivate all over the keyboard.
If you have a sweet tooth at all, you’ll want to check out these recipes:
‣ Easter Nest Cupcakes. They look like nests! Little birds’ nests!
‣ Homemade Peanut Butter Easter Eggs. I’m sitting on my hands so I don’t write down this recipe. Srsly.
‣ Deviled Cadbury Creme Eggs. This is the second time I’m posting about these, and I’m not ashamed.
‣ Cute Easter Cookies. A step-by-step on how to decorate sugar cookies, if you need this kind of thing. Which I do.