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Fashion Rewind: The Saint

Fashion Rewind: The Saint • Little Gold Pixel
Fashion Rewind: The Saint • Little Gold Pixel
Fashion Rewind: The Saint • Little Gold Pixel
Fashion Rewind: The Saint • Little Gold Pixel
Fashion Rewind: The Saint • Little Gold Pixel
Fashion Rewind: The Saint • Little Gold Pixel
Fashion Rewind: The Saint • Little Gold Pixel

You are on the brink of cracking the code to cold fusion when he shows up. He’s mysterious, a poet, and tells you he’s not good with people. You relate because you’re an eccentric scientist who pops pills for her heart condition. Not surprisingly to anyone, you fall for him and let him in on your secret: You’ve solved cold fusion! He steals the post-it notes you’ve written your formulas on (you keep them in your bra of all places) and disappears. You hunt him down in Russia because you’re pissed. You are Dr. Emma Russell in “The Saint.”

Fashion Rewind: The Saint • Little Gold Pixel


This movie reminds me of my freshman year of college; it was my first-ever solo movie rental. I went to Blockbuster, filled out my form and voila! The entire catalogue of VHS — YES VHS — was at my fingertips. I’m a little sad that Alexa will never know the joy of going into a video store and shuffling left to right through the new releases, A-Z, picking out a movie to watch with friends or family or alone in her it’s-cold-and-I’m-too-broke-to-turn-on-the-heat college apartment.

Anyway, the movie. It’s Val Kilmer, looking hot in his many disguises. He and Michael Douglas are my movie-star crushes. You never know when this trivia question might pop up, so consider yourselves informed. Who are your movie-star crushes?

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