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Freebie Fridays is a weekly feature on Little Gold Pixel in which I share a free printable or design resource — art printables, wallpapers, etc. — for you to download and enjoy.
I’ll admit, it has taken me a while to get the hang of Instagram Stories.
Some of my creative friends have a curated vibe, a real calculated sharing technique. I admit I’m a little jealous of their organization.
But — and this is a big but — I’m probably a little clunkier than most because I have no sense of control when it comes to sharing on Stories.

Stories, to me, are what the Instagram feed USED to be when it first started: images and thoughts captured in real time, in order of appearance.
So on any given day you’ll find me sharing funny memes, feminist posts I love and random works in progress.
Sometimes I’ll share phone wallpapers of my work that you can just screenshot and use. Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy!

These free terrazzo wallpapers started out as Stories wallpapers, pointing toward the previous blog post about how to make seamless terrazzo patterns.
If you’re not following me on Instagram, I’d love it if you joined me. It’s where I spend most of my social media hangout time.
Let’s meet in the Stories, where we can get to know one another. The feed is pretty and everything, but Stories are more raw (in a good way).

Free terrazzo wallpapers are for personal use only. No redistribution, selling, shady business or other mean stuff, mmkay.
Feel free to share on social media (tag me: @littlegoldpixel so I can see, too!).
Tools used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

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