When we were kids, we lived outside. It was our entire lives. No one stayed inside unless it was raining, and even then we had nothing against jumping in puddles.
I learned how to do hand stands in my front yard, next to the pin oak full of red leaves in the early autumn. I’d fall onto my back, knocking the wind out of my lungs but still feeling safe because I was landing in the green grass.
In the back yard, I climbed to the top of our jungle gym and recited quotes from “Labyrinth,” completely in my own world. Barefoot and carefree, climbing the amazing branches of our mimosa tree and jumping off, into that soft grass.
My dad taught me how to pitch a softball in that back yard. I helped my mom hang clothes on the lines in that back yard. When it was hot in the summer, my brother and I jumped through the sprinkler for hours.
These memories were always in the back of my mind, nagging me as we continued to live in Los Angeles for a decade, never satisfied with the amount of green space available to us and our growing daughter.
Every time we went to the park, my husband and I would look at each other and say, “We need a yard.”
We aren’t alone in our desires for a green space. A new survey conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of TruGreen finds that nearly two thirds of Americans (156 million) report that some of their favorite memories have occurred right in their own yards.
TruGreen believes more life should be lived outside and is committed to providing a beautiful lawn to serve as the foundation for outside experiences and lifelong memories. I also feel strongly about this, which is why I wanted to partner with them on this post.

A view of our green back yard from my home office.
When we decided to move outside L.A. to a smaller community last year, a green lawn became our No. 1 priority. We frowned at homes with paved-in back yards and zero green space. We turned down a giant property because the back yard was miniscule.
We found our Goldilocks home in October, and several months later I can tell you the yearning for a green space wasn’t just in my head; I sincerely vouch for the wonders of a green space. It has definitely changed our lives, so much for the better.

Working outside in my own green space = such a luxury!
So far we have enjoyed meals in our yard. We have watched roses bloom. We have spied lizards, snails and birds in their natural habitat. We have played soccer, baseball and splashed in the sprinkler on hot days.
But the thing that warms my heart the very most is to watch my daughter open the sliding door to the back yard, barefoot and happy. She swings on her jungle gym, singing to herself, completely in her own world.
Grass Is Greener Free Art Printable
Do you cherish your green space, too? Perhaps you’ll vibe with this printable!
This is a high-resolution, 8.5×11 letter-sized PDF. For personal use only. Play nice, and often.
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I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Peggy Waters
May 26, 2017 at 5:38 amLove it! Thanks for sharing. Totally enjoy reading your emails and lists – you are very talented!
June 2, 2017 at 2:30 pmThanks, Peggy!