There’s a scene in the still-hilarious film “My Blue Heaven” in which the main characters are lamenting their marital situation, stating that their wives both left them in October. “What is it about the month of October?” one asks. “I dunno. The pressure of Halloween? You never know what to go as!”
I can totally relate to this right now, smack dab in the middle of October, closing in on Halloween, and still no costume prospects for myself. This despite the fact that I started looking in September, when I wrote about awesome costumes from movies.
As predicted in that post, my excitement level is ebbing somewhat. Remember my highly scientific chart?
It could be because I am great at procrastination. And … I keep finding costumes that would work great for other people. Last week I found 11 stylish costumes for little girls. This weekend, I found some excellent choices for my husband, including but not limited to being a bottle of mustard. I even found a costume that would be perfect for my dad.
So on that same note, here are some costumes for little boys. Because I couldn’t help myself! They are so cute! And little! And cute!
Maybe I can help you decide for your child? You’ll definitely want to use at least one of these ideas, if not all.
14 Super Fun Halloween Costumes for Little Boys
If I had a boy who dressed up as Atreyu from Never Ending Story, I would be so happy. It would be one of those moments of my childhood colliding with his childhood. Magical. (The same would hold true if Alexa were to dress up as the Childlike Empress, by the way.) This costume is pretty simple. All you’d need is an old martial arts uniform and some dye. Oh, and don’t forget an amulet. (Falcor is optional, and frankly he’s creepy anyhow.)
Yes, there will be a lot of Olafs this year. This handmade version is adorable and easy, though, and I love that you could take it all apart later and still have a fully functional hoodie.
Andy Warhol
I really do love the idea of kids dressing up as adults, especially when said costume is as simple as a black turtleneck, a white wig and a couple of soup cans. Win!
Bert (Mary Poppins)
Now this freaking adorable costume requires some sewing skill. I think in a pinch it could be MacGyver’ed with ribbons, a glue gun and a white suit (a quick Google search led me to this deal for $19.99).
Jake (Jake and the Neverland Pirates)
For non-crafty mamas this costume exists out there, in stores and on the Internet. But I happen to think this tutorial could be easy to follow, and it turned out super fun. Bonus: A Mr. Smee costume? I love Smee and his silly voice.
Salty Sailor
Whenever I hear the word sailor, I say “heyyyy.” Because of this Detroit Cobras song. But c’mon now with the awesomeness of this sailor costume. First of all, it’s easy. It’s a neck-face-head costume. Meaning the rest of the clothes can likely be shopped from your closet. And there’s a beard involved, which is always fun.
Simon & Garfunkel
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend. I am imagining twins dressing up like this duo, and it’s making me so happy inside. Another shop-your-closet costume, with wigs and props. Speaking of which …

Paul McCartney
Why not go for Macca while you’re at it? Any kid who dresses up as a Beatle (or a Beatles fan) is cool by me.

I could see this being a really fun parent-son project, getting the glue and paint and cardboard out and making a sculpture out of it. Then shop your closet and buy a pair of costume goggles, and you’re set.

Jareth the Goblin King (Labyrinth)
A wig, tights and a puffy shirt — and voila, your kid is Bowie in Labyrinth, aka my favorite movie from childhood. Also would be cool as an adult costume, if you can talk your husband into it. (Or your whole family could dress in Labyrinth gear.)
Peter Pan / Captain Hook
Brothers costumes! Or Brother/Sister costumes — cross-dressing is totally allowed! Did I tell you that last year kids were oohing and awwwing over my costume, saying I looked like Captain Hook, even though I wasn’t wearing a hat, a hook or even pants for that matter? Bottom line: Imaginations are awesome, and so is Captain Hook.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
This one is for my brother, who was a huge fan of the pizza-eating, nunchuck-wielding turtles when he was a boy. In a few years his son will be old enough to join the fun. The best part? This turtle costume is easy to make and it’s no-sew.
What will your child wear for Halloween? What will you wear (or do you even dress up at all)? Have you decided on costumes yet, or are your procrastinating like I am? Let’s chat in the comments!
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