10 In Lifestyle

Would you ever run for president?


Would you ever run for president … of the United States?

Assume for a minute that you had infinite resources and money. Assume for a minute you had a bad yet expensive haircut people can make fun of and a mouth full of perfect veneers for those sparkling, reassuring smiles. Assume for a minute you would win. Hands down.

Would you do it?

I don’t think I would.

I’m surprised by my own answer because I was so into political science in college (it was my minor, nearly a double major). I enjoyed getting involved in debates in class, relishing the opportunity to speak my mind and make points. And, yes, WIN. I could be relentless to the point where people would rather concede than fight my logic.

So what turns me off now? Well, for starters, all the lying. I’m not the cock-eyed optimist I once was. I know what it takes to run a country, and it starts with the constant media spin. George Washington might’ve been a pretty righteous dude for all I know, but I think even the fabled cherry tree would agree that he could tell a lie. Me, on the other hand? What you see is what you get. I would have a hard time swallowing a load of B.S., let alone trying to sell it to the country.

Also, I have no desire to take on so much stress that I age prematurely. Exhibit A.

These are just my tip-of-the-iceberg reasons.

What about you? Would you run for president? Why or why not?

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