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Feminist Friday #8

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Welcome to this month’s Feminist Friday, where I round up some of the best thought-provoking links, and we can discuss what’s going on in the zeitgeist. Our motto here: Feminism is for everyone. 

Feminist Focus

As I’m typing this, my baby is 9 weeks old. She is fed and sleeping (although there’s no telling for how long). As any new mom can vouch for, these early days are all about survival. Keeping baby alive. Keeping yourself alive.

Which brings me to one of the many battles in the mommy wars: breastfeeding.

I had zero expectations this time around. I thought: If she latches, she latches. If she doesn’t, we’ll supplement. Whatever.

She latched. And she hasn’t let go. For all the breastfeeding positivity out there (which, yes, is great, even when a model looks perfect doing it on a runway which is in no way reality), no one really discusses how maddening the experience can be. Being someone’s sole source of food day in and day out, every few hours at a time, is literally no walk in the park (or on the runway).

When I find myself googling parenting solutions at 3 a.m., I always come across at least one thread full of women talking about how “easy” breastfeeding is. How your instincts are wrong about everything. How you can just go ahead and feel guilty for having your own needs like a normal human being.

As feminists and women, we can do better to prop one another up during this time of new motherhood.

Breastfeeding, sleep training, etc., there’s no need to be so divisive.

In case you need someone to say it right now: Fed is best. Do whatever you can to get your baby to sleep. Keep the baby alive. Keep yourself alive. You are doing a wonderful job.

Feminist Links

All the links that are worth clicking on this month. Some are serious, some not so much. All are food for thought.

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