Frame Game is an occasional series in which I take readers’ gallery wall requests and find art that fits their personalities. Click here to see past Frame Games.
Today’s wall was inspired by Melissa, who is seeking inspiration for her downstairs half-bathroom.
In her words:
“This is a very tiny space that is not at all welcoming. Everything in the room is a drab eggshell that we cannot paint since we (my husband, newborn son, and I) are renters. We’re early 30s and want something bright but sophisticated and welcoming to our guests.”
Some of the specific loves she mentioned were tiffany blue/aqua, Rifle Paper Co.-esque florals, monograms, jellyfish and Mark Rothko. She’s an avid reader, and loves films such as “Stranger Than Fiction” and “Her.”
Guest Bathroom Gallery Wall Option 1
I feel Melissa’s pain. I, too, have a tiny half-bath for guests that I’ve been mulling over for a few months now.
The guest bathroom is a little tough. You want it to reflect who you are … but the best version of who you are. Personal, but not overly so. Proper, but not overly so. A delicate balance.
Bright but sophisticated — the two don’t go together as often as you might think.
I wanted to make sure there was saturated color on Melissa’s wall, so I stayed in the blue family. She said she likes tiffany blue and aqua. Unfortunately these colors aren’t used often in a sophisticated way, so I landed more turquoise/azure. Other accent colors to bring up the fun vibe but keep the sophistication on track: maroon, pink, sea green.
This first option below calls on her love of jellyfish to really draw interest. These scientific illustrations by Dr. Haeckel are sure to be conversation starters. I also found some painted botanicals that reminded me of Rifle Paper, and a monogram that fits nicely. The abstract ocean art is a vague nod to Rothko.
To download these printables, click on the links below the roundup to go to the original download pages.

Guest Bathroom Gallery Wall Option 2
Melissa did say her half-bath was tiny. Maybe seven frames won’t fit comfortably. Here is a second option with five frames.
The centerpiece here is another nod to the Rifle Co. And I loved the bright, fun vibe of the agate slices. The juxtaposition between the black floral and the turquoise/azure rocks really balances one another.
Top it off with another abstract and a Jack Kerouac quote for the book lover, and this little wall packs quite the punch.
To download these printables, click on the links below the roundup to go to the original download pages.

Need a wall in a hurry?
Find out about my gallery wall consultation packages. They’re similar to Frame Game but go waaaaay above and beyond, measuring down to the inch and giving you a solid plan for executing your very own, personalized gallery wall.
Feel free to contact me for any custom needs.
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P.S. The frames featured in this post are mockups. Check the individual download pages for details on ideal image size. Want to print something huge but it’s sized at 8×10? Consider a larger frame with a mat.