I think my child might be part fish. She never wants to leave the ocean.
Recently she jumped in and out of the surf for five hours, and when it was time to leave she nearly had to be dragged away kicking and screaming. Her zeal for the ocean might even outmatch ours, and H and I are bonafide beach bums.
Top that with her request to read The Little Mermaid every night, the way she loves her Ariel dolls and her love of the teen mermaid show Mako Mermaids
… I think we have a mermaid obsession on our hands.
After rearranging her room (baby steps toward making a real big-girl room) there is a giant space on the wall that is begging for art. Mermaid art, natch.

So I set off on a quest to find the perfect mermaid art, and here’s what I found.
Any/all of the above mermaid art prints would be perfect for her. No. 3 reminds me of how she is constantly asking me when we will return to Hawaii so “we can swim like mermaids, Mama.” No. 5 is technically not a mermaid, but it’s so Alexa that it would be wrong of me not to include it here.
Did you ever obsess over a mythical creature when you were a kid? For me, it was (and still is) unicorns.
THERE’S MORE WHERE THIS CAME FROM: Free printables for kids, fairytale freebies for kids, safari gallery wall for kids, adventure gallery wall for kids.