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If you’re looking for a fail-proof gift for your best friend who loves to rearrange her furniture (doesn’t everyone?), have I got the ticket for you: home decor books.
I love giving and getting books as gifts.
Especially if the book qualifies as a coffee-table book — aka has lots of beautiful art or photographs. These are the books I seem to always talk myself out of buying for myself for some reason but if someone else wraps it up for me I’m over the moon.
As a matter of fact, I was dusting off my Amazon wish list when I noticed that I would like at least six home decor books myself!
I have it on good authority (ahem, lots of word of mouth and five-star reviews) that these books will be the kind you’ll keep for years, and they’ll actually teach you a thing or two about home decor.
Feel free to add to your to-be-read wish list today — or better yet, gift one to yourself. Yourself with thank you later.
Styled by Emily Henderson

If you don’t read Emily Henderson’s blog already, you really should get on that. She runs the most detailed and interesting decor site out there. Her eclectic and sometimes eccentric style is unmatched. I bookmark nearly every post, and you will, too. Just a quick look at the inside of this book, and I can already tell I’m going to be dog-earing some pages.
Get It Together by Orlando Soria

A book from the man who lives inside your phone! I first became aware of Orlando via Emily’s blog, and now I live for his Instagram posts and stories, and also his HGTV show Unspouse My House. He is genuinely hilarious, so I’m sure this book will be more of the same.
Living With Pattern by Rebecca Atwood

I’ve been hearing about this book for a few years now. First of all, judging a book by its color, it’s GORGEOUS. Second of all, it has information on how to identify the patterns you love and how to mix and match textures, styles and colors to really make your home your own. Isn’t that what we all want?
Pantone: The 20th Century in Color

I’m a color nerd. And a history nerd. And here we go, a book that combines both of these things! This book picks apart the 1900s color palette by color palette, and gives you examples of pop culture to show how things progressed, and why. I’m nerding out just thinking about it.
The New Bohemians by Justina Blakeney

Want to be overwhelmed by incredible style, pattern-mixing and cozy awesomeness? Head over to Justina’s blog, where I was first introduced to her particular brand of bohemian style. I’m intrigued to read this book, which includes looks into 20 different spaces, and also a Plant-O-Pedia to help you decorate. Because no boho space is complete without a million plants.
Homebody by Joanna Gaines

Who DOESN’T want to be BFF with Joanna Gaines? The lovable designer from Fixer Upper fame has an easygoing, casual style that is arguably the sole catalyst behind the modern farmhouse movement. I can’t wait to sift through the pages of this book, which from the preview I can see are impeccably designed and flow beautifully.
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