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Gif Me a Break

Funny Gif Posts • Little Gold Pixel

Going back to work after a long weekend is hard stuff. We need a squishy landing pad, something light and fluffy and funny. Enter: Gif Me a Break.

Don’t you love it when you find the perfect funny Gif to sum up a situation? It’s amazing how a two-second video clip can be a highlight of your day. Because sometimes words just do not do a situation justice. And because sometimes, if you don’t laugh you’ll cry.

For example …

When you have had one of those days, it’s like:

When you’re at the beach and trying to change into a swimsuit under your clothes like you used to do in junior high, and it’s not at all as easy as it used to be, it’s like:

When you are plugging away at work and hit one wrong key that messes up everything, it’s like:

When you see that overly chatty neighbor making a beeline for you and there’s nowhere to hide, it’s like:

When you have a three-day weekend, it’s like:

When you pick a desolate spot to make a personal phone call and someone still comes wondering in, it’s like:

When the kid is asleep and the house is quiet, it’s like:

When you finally get your pillow in the perfect position, it’s like:

When you are adamant that no, absolutely not, we will not look at the toys at Target, I mean nooooo way. Only 15 minutes later, it’s like:

Click here to check out my past funny Gif posts. (Hilarity awaits.)

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