Hi, and welcome to the Little Gold Pixel free printables library!
I’m Vanessa, and I love to design freebies for you.
I also love to collect free resources from all my other friends on the Internet, and sometimes I share printable roundups to help you fill your gallery walls with free, quality art.

I joke that I’m the Gallery Wall Whisperer, but in actuality I’m just passionate about helping you find your hidden creativity through design and decor.
Do you have a blank wall that needs some help? Here’s a good place to start.
Make sure to sign up for my newsletter to receive exclusive freebies that are not available on the blog.
Oh! And stay up to date with my weekly Freebie Friday posts by subscribing via RSS feed or via email.
RULES: Remember to play nice. Free printables are for personal use only. Not for use in commercial projects. Feel free to share, making sure to credit/link back to this post. If you hang one of my designs on your wall, tag @littlegoldpixel on Instagram or use the hashtag #littlegoldpixel so I can see and share it in my stories!
Free Printables Library
P.S. Investing in artwork is important, too. This is a good place to shop for quality art printables.