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20 Inspiring Printables for 2018

20 Inspiring Printables for 2018 • In which I round up 20 inspiring printables for girl bosses to help you reach all your goals in 2018. Print, hang in your office and glance up when you need a little push to be productive. • Little Gold Pixel

It’s Jan. 10. Do you know where your New Year’s goals are?

You’re either flying high and crushing it every day … or you’ve skidded into 2018, not sure what day of the week it is or whether you can summon the strength to do the laundry, let alone hit those lofty career goals you set for yourself.

If you identify with the latter, you’re not alone.

The first few weeks of this year have been humbling for me.

My usual go-getter attitude has been replaced by someone who is getting over the flu and would rather watch reruns of Seinfeld 24/7 than cross items off her to-do list.

However, all of that changes today, with two steps!

Step 1: First, pick out your one word for the year.

Mine is “moxie,” as in “energy, pep, courage, determination.” Just saying the word “moxie” takes me out of my funk a little bit.

The idea of One Word is to focus on yourself and not necessarily a laundry list of goals.

You take this one word and apply it to every aspect of your life, from how you interact with your family and friends to how you approach your business goals.

Step 2: Next, print out some inspiring printables to hang in your work space.

Not sure where to start? No worries! I’ve got you covered. Just scroll down.

20 Inspiring Printables for 2018

Here’s a quick roundup of great inspiring printables I found around the Internet.

First, match the number with the link below the image, then go to the original artist’s download page.

Most if not all of these are for personal use only. Please read the individual artist’s terms and instructions and don’t forget to say thank you!

20 Inspiring Printables for 2018 • In which I round up 20 inspiring printables for girl bosses to help you reach all your goals in 2018. Print, hang in your office and glance up when you need a little push to be productive. • Little Gold Pixel

P.S. 30 more free inspiring printables from last year!

More Inspiring Printables

Here are a few more inspiring printables from my shop. For a small fee, you get files with several dimensions and print sizes, up to poster size.

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